Saturday, May 4, 2019

Black Night's first performance!!!

Hi everyone!! Me and Izzy performed at Modus Locus on Thursday. It was AWESOME!! When we first arrived, it was kinda weird because there was just the art show happening upstairs and the teacher running it didn't seem to care that we wanted to perform. So that was kind of upsetting, but then the owner of the art studio came, and he showed us down to the basement, where there is a nice little stage with lights and microphones and everything. And he and another guy got us set up, and so then we were all set to perform! We had planned to do Broadripple is Burning (one of our favorite songs) last, but as we were rushed (I had to get somewhere at 7 and we didn't perform until 6:15) we just started with it. It went really well! I played guitar, which was fun, and Izzy did a great job singing. Next I came up to the microphone and Izzy left the stage, and I sang a song called Tree that I wrote last year. Then Izzy came up to sing her song Saying Goodbye on ukulele. (She also sang it for the South High Guitar 2 album last year.) Then, because the audience (of about 14 people) wanted more, we decided to perform a censored version of the F*ck You Song, written by Izzy- the Frick You Song. It was great. The concert was super fun, we both did really great, and I'm so glad we did it!!!

1. Broadripple is Burning (cover): Soren on guitar, Izzy on vocals
2. Tree: Soren- guitar and vocals
3. Saying Goodbye: Izzy- ukulele and vocals
4. The Frick You song: Izzy- vocals, Soren- vocals and guitar

If you would like to hear an unedited full mp3 of the concert, click here.
Otherwise, I uploaded the individual tracks to Soundcloud, they are on the "Music" tab.

Thanks for reading and listening!! Until next time!!!

- Soren

Sunday, April 28, 2019

The History of Black Night

Hello! Welcome to the official website for the band Black Night. Black Night is an indie band comprised of two besties: Soren (me) and Izzy. It was created on April 28th, 2017, when we noticed that the annual South High Battle of the Bands was happening the next day, and we said that we should play, so we came up with a band name. We essentially just ripped off Green Day, taking their name and using similar words (green and black are both colors, day and night- you get it.) but still made it sound cool. Suddenly, Black Night was born. Then we promptly forgot about it for like 7 months.

Until November 25, 2017, when Izzy came over to my house and we recorded Black Night's first "song", a beautiful recording called HELL YEAH that was us hitting objects with pencils, strumming random chords, and saying HELL YEAH over and over again. It was a great song.

Then, we pretty much forgot about the "band" again, but yesterday I signed us up to perform at the South High Art Gallery at Modus Locus in South Minneapolis. We're both super excited!! I doubt anyone will read this before Thursday, but it's on May 2nd. If you are seeing this, please come!! I am kinda nervous/excited for it, but it would be great if a lot of people came! I'm not sure what time we're performing, but I know the gallery is open from 5-8 PM. So that's it! Now you know everything there is to know about Black Night. See you at the show!

- Soren